
John Muir

John Muir portrait vector

For the past couple days I've been watching the Ken Burns documentary "The National Parks: America's Best Idea." A lot of time is spent on 19th Century naturalist John Muir, who lived an absolutely fascinating life. He also had a pretty interesting look, so I got inspired to do a portrait, continuing the hairy/brush tool trend.


Hair apparent.

Another project to keep myself busy during downtime at home. Many months ago Eric Prine of world famous Attic Fire Photography took a few pictures of me with his super-hi-res-I'm-a-real-professional camera. I've been fascinated with how detailed the images are, seeing every individual hair and pore (if I had known, I would've shaved properly). I've also been interested in translating that detail into an illustration. So, voila. Self portrait.


Keeping Busy

Yesterday I took a drive out to Austin's Pennybacker Bridge to take photos because I knew it would make a great illustration. People often ask me how long it takes to do one of these. Usually I don't know what to say because I work on them in shifts, shelving them for weeks and coming back to them when the mood strikes me. Well what you're looking at here took me exactly five hours. I know that because I literally did nothing else when I got home from taking the pictures (no internet at home makes Jeff a bored boy). Here's a zoom:


I have arrived.

So, I have arrived in Austin (actually I arrived 2 weeks ago) and am just now getting around to reconnecting with the world. Looking forward to joining the art and design scene here. I'm finally getting around to doing more personal work and hopefully I'll have something new to show in this space soon. In the meantime, read all about my former roommate and amazing artist, Alex Soto.

Now playing: The Beatles - Long, Long, Long
via FoxyTunes